Moncton Chapter of New Brunswick Right To Life
Educating the public on life issues
Friday, May 11, 2018
Speech: Father Hezuk Shroff
Reverend Father Hezuk Shroff speaks at the Sussex Area Right to Life benefit dinner. May 6, 2018.
Speech: Graydon Nicholas
Honorable Graydon Nicholas, a former Provincial Court judge and a former Leutenant Governor of New Brunswick, speaks at the Moncton Right to Life benefit dinner.
April 8, 2018.
April 8, 2018.
2017 New Brunswick March For Life
Speeches from the 2017 New Brunswick March for Life.
May 2, 2017, Fredericton.
May 2, 2017, Fredericton.
2016 New Brunswick March For Life
Speeches from the 2016 New Brunswick March for Life.
May 19, 2016 - Fredericton.
Honorable Graydon Nicholas, a former Provincial Court judge and a former Leutenant Governor of New Brunswick. Shouts of the pro-abortion activists can be heard in the background.
New Brunswick Health Minister, Honorable Victor Boudreau.
Honorable Jody Carr, PC MLA for Oromocto-Lincoln.
Armand and Gladys LeBlanc share their experience of parenting handicapped children.
Andrea MacDonald shares her experience. (Unfortunately, first 30 seconds or so cut off.)
Martha Desmond shares her experience.
May 19, 2016 - Fredericton.
Honorable Graydon Nicholas, a former Provincial Court judge and a former Leutenant Governor of New Brunswick. Shouts of the pro-abortion activists can be heard in the background.
New Brunswick Health Minister, Honorable Victor Boudreau.
Honorable Jody Carr, PC MLA for Oromocto-Lincoln.
Armand and Gladys LeBlanc share their experience of parenting handicapped children.
Andrea MacDonald shares her experience. (Unfortunately, first 30 seconds or so cut off.)
Martha Desmond shares her experience.
Sunday, October 4, 2015
Life Tour - We Need A Law Presentation in Moncton
We Need a Law is a group dedicated to raise the abortion issue politically, and with a federal election this fall, the Life Tour is designated to do just that. They came to Moncton on September 23, 2015. Here are the videos of their presentation:
First speech - by Andre Schutten.
Second speech - by Maaike Rosendal.
Third speech - by Mike Schouten.
Questions and Answers - and plenty of them.
First speech - by Andre Schutten.
Second speech - by Maaike Rosendal.
Third speech - by Mike Schouten.
Questions and Answers - and plenty of them.
Tuesday, January 6, 2015
Revised Abortion Regulation Raises Many Questions
New Brunswick Right to Life news release:
The revised regulation (84-20, Schedule 2) on Medicare funding of abortion in hospitals, and statements by the Minister of Health, raise many questions:
The above questions are surely all legitimate. As New Brunswickers consider the implications of a policy change rightly described as “monumental,” they deserve some answers.
The revised regulation (84-20, Schedule 2) on Medicare funding of abortion in hospitals, and statements by the Minister of Health, raise many questions:
- The old regulation required two doctors to certify medical necessity. The new regulation does not mention that even one doctor must do so. Is there no requirement for a doctor to establish medical necessity at all?
- Will abortions be performed purely on demand rather than on the basis of medical necessity?
- If abortions will be done on demand, why are they not considered electives like other procedures done on the basis of patient wishes (listed in Schedule 2)? And why are taxpayers paying for a procedure that is not medically necessary?
- The old regulation stipulated a hospital abortion must be done by a specialist. The new regulation does not mention who must perform the abortion. Is there a requirement that the procedure must be performed by a physician – and if so, where in law is that set down? What would prevent the procedure being performed by a non-physician?
- The health minister says he does not expect a spike in the total number of abortions performed in New Brunswick (about 1,000 / year in the past). But when previously 60% of abortions were paid privately (@ $500-800 each), and now all abortions will be free, is it not to be expected that abortion numbers will rise – toward the higher rates seen in Nova Scotia, Newfoundland and other provinces without the type of restrictions NB has had?
- The minister estimates that increased abortions expected in hospitals will cost the health care system an additional $500,000-700,000 per year. But is that estimate not based solely on the cost of operating room time ($1,000 / hour for 500-700 additional procedures)? Does it not exclude the additional fees paid to at least three personnel (surgeon, anesthesiologist, pathologist)? Would those fees not increase the additional cost by 50-70% ($1,500-$1,700 / abortion), resulting in total additional costs of $750,000-$1,200,000 per year?
- And if the total numbers increase beyond the minister’s expectations [Point 5 above], will not the additional costs be even higher?
The above questions are surely all legitimate. As New Brunswickers consider the implications of a policy change rightly described as “monumental,” they deserve some answers.
Wednesday, December 31, 2014
2014 In Review: Life Chain
At first it looked like there would be 20 people at most, but in the end, we had about 35 people coming, in spite of the pouring rain. There were also 7-9 pro-aborts protesting on the other side of the street.
2014 In Review: New Brunswick March For Life Videos (Part 2)
A rather passionate speech by Ann O'Keefe:
A few words from the Archbishop Valéry Vienneau:
There were plenty of MLAs present; some say - as many as 23 of them - which is too, a record number. Here are 2 speeches: By Bill Fraser, a Liberal MLA for Miramichi-Bay du Vin and by Jody Carr, a PC MLA for Oromocto.
Please excuse the blurry and shaky picture. When the MLAs began to speak, camera men from the mainstream media rushed to the scene, so we had quite a hard time not to bump into one another. P.S. Yes, it's the same Bill Fraser who, just a couple months later, silently accepted Brian Gallant's warning that all Liberal MLAs would be required to vote in favor of his pro-abortion initiatives and then, in December, was himself speaking out against the PC motion to retain the old abortion funding restrictions.
Finally, here are the speeches by Marion Fogan from the Catholic Women's League and Armand LeBlanc from the Knights of Columbus:
2014 In Review: New Brunswick March For Life Videos (Part 1)
Opening prayer by Pastor Perry Edwards (Sovereign Grace Baptist Church), followed by Peter Ryan's speech:
There were about 800 of us - a record turnout, almost twice compared to the past years. Marie Claire Muzzerall-Gautreau shares her experience of being a teenage single mother. She is introduced by Beth Crouchman, president of the NB Right to Life. The theme of this year's March for Life was - Women and Children First. Peter Ryan elaborates on that in his speech: Some music by Evangeline Inman:
There were about 800 of us - a record turnout, almost twice compared to the past years. Marie Claire Muzzerall-Gautreau shares her experience of being a teenage single mother. She is introduced by Beth Crouchman, president of the NB Right to Life. The theme of this year's March for Life was - Women and Children First. Peter Ryan elaborates on that in his speech: Some music by Evangeline Inman:
2014 In Review: Sussex Right to Life Fundraiser
Here's a couple of videos from the Sussex Right to Life benefit dinner:
Defending Life from non-religious prospective. Joseph Phillips speaks at the sussex Right to Life benefit dinner. Introduced by his mother, Dr. Elizabeth Phillips.
Closing speech by Peter Ryan. The announcement of the Morgentaller "clinic" shutdown that came a couple weeks earlier, reignited the debate over abortion funding in New Brunswick.
Defending Life from non-religious prospective. Joseph Phillips speaks at the sussex Right to Life benefit dinner. Introduced by his mother, Dr. Elizabeth Phillips.
Closing speech by Peter Ryan. The announcement of the Morgentaller "clinic" shutdown that came a couple weeks earlier, reignited the debate over abortion funding in New Brunswick.
Sunday, October 6, 2013
Life Chain Photos - 2011 and 2012
Didn't have the chance to post these photos back then, but... better late than never.
The weather was bad, but we still had around 50 people coming.
Pro-abortion protesters tried to get themselves noticed, waving signs at the cars. "Pro-child, pro-choice"? Yeah, right.
Because of the Thanksgiving Day, last year's Life Chain took place a week earlier - on the last Sunday of September.
The weather was better than in 2011 (although not as great as today) - and we had quite a decent turnout.
The weather was bad, but we still had around 50 people coming.
Pro-abortion protesters tried to get themselves noticed, waving signs at the cars. "Pro-child, pro-choice"? Yeah, right.
Because of the Thanksgiving Day, last year's Life Chain took place a week earlier - on the last Sunday of September.
The weather was better than in 2011 (although not as great as today) - and we had quite a decent turnout.
Moncton Life Chain 2013
It may seem like the focus is shifting to the 40 Days for Life, but the Life Chain is still there.
About 50 people came to the Life Chain. There were about 10 pro-abort protesters on the other side of the street and there was also an unexpected guest - a CBC camera man. Obviously it would be naive to expect an impartial reporting from their team, but the fact that the media started noticing the Life Chain, that alone is inspiring.
There was a devoted couple, Jeff and Nancy, handing out the DVDs of the 180 movie to passers-by, to cyclists and even to the drivers. There were many takers; I was delighted to see a young man carefully packing the DVD in his handbag. (I'm certain he was going to watch it.) Cars were driving by - plenty of them. And then we saw this vehicle, quite conveniently stopping in the traffic right in front of me, so I could take a good picture.
No, they are not on our team. As I understand, these are private ultrasound providers. And yet for them, who deal with it professionally, there's no doubt that the baby in the womb is alive, that this is a baby, not mere fetus. And that the pro-aborts with their signs that say "pro-woman, pro-child, pro-choice" are lying - first and foremost to themselves. Because murdering a child (whether inside the womb or outside) is never a "choice".
About 50 people came to the Life Chain. There were about 10 pro-abort protesters on the other side of the street and there was also an unexpected guest - a CBC camera man. Obviously it would be naive to expect an impartial reporting from their team, but the fact that the media started noticing the Life Chain, that alone is inspiring.
There was a devoted couple, Jeff and Nancy, handing out the DVDs of the 180 movie to passers-by, to cyclists and even to the drivers. There were many takers; I was delighted to see a young man carefully packing the DVD in his handbag. (I'm certain he was going to watch it.) Cars were driving by - plenty of them. And then we saw this vehicle, quite conveniently stopping in the traffic right in front of me, so I could take a good picture.
No, they are not on our team. As I understand, these are private ultrasound providers. And yet for them, who deal with it professionally, there's no doubt that the baby in the womb is alive, that this is a baby, not mere fetus. And that the pro-aborts with their signs that say "pro-woman, pro-child, pro-choice" are lying - first and foremost to themselves. Because murdering a child (whether inside the womb or outside) is never a "choice".
Monday, July 15, 2013
40 Days For Life Webcast - July 16, 2013
From the 40 Days for Life e-mail release:
Over these last six years, 575,000 people in 501 cities around the world have participated in 40 Days for Life campaigns of prayer and fasting ...
... SAVING 7,536 babies from abortion ...
... CLOSING 37 abortion centers ...
... HELPING 83 workers leave the abortion industry.
Now, are you ready to see the proven life-saving results of 40 Days for Life happen in YOUR community?
Then you'll want to attend one of two very important webcast events happening next Tuesday, July 16.
If you are in NORTH AMERICA go to:
If you are anywhere else INTERNATIONALLY go to:
During these LIVE events, you will discover:
What you learn on Tuesday, July 16 could change you -- and your community -- forever!
- How the pro-life movement is on the brink of a BREAKTHROUGH -- after decades of abortion
- How God is using ORDINARY PEOPLE to change hearts and minds, save lives and transform entire cities
- How you can bring 40 Days for Life to YOUR town ... and help bring an end abortion where you live
Here are the details:
DATE: Tuesday, July 16
TIME: 9 PM Eastern (8 PM Central, 7 PM Mountain, 6 PM Pacific)
WHAT: This event is specifically designed for those interested in holding 40 Days for Life campaigns in NORTH AMERICAN cities.
Register to attend this webcast at:
DATE: Tuesday, July 16
TIME: 6 PM GMT / UTC (you may check for your local time at )
WHAT: This event is specifically designed for those interested in holding 40 Days for Life campaigns in all other INTERNATIONAL cities.
Register to attend this webcast at:
During both events -- which you can attend by streaming audio webcast or telephone -- you'll hear true stories from special guests about hearts changed, lives saved, abortion centers closed and abortion workers converted during 40 Days for Life campaigns ...
... and you'll learn how, with God's help, you can accomplish similar results where you live.
At the end of each webcast on July 16, we'll begin accepting applications for those who want to LEAD a local 40 Days for Life campaign -- from September 25 through November 3.
But the ONLY way you can apply on July 16 is to join us for one of these special events.
The webcast is absolutely free, but with more than half a million 40 Days for Life volunteers around the world, spaces will fill quickly.
For life,
Shawn Carney
Campaign Director
40 Days for Life
Saturday, May 26, 2012
New Brunswick March for Life 2012
A few pictures from the recent New Brunswick March for Life.
This year's March for Life started with a Mass.

The rally at the Legislature - with about 450 people present. "The crowd was bigger, more youthful and more upbeat than ever"

The theme of the 2012 NB March for Life was, "Pro-Woman, Pro-Child, Pro-Life"

Speaker Elisha Lakin with adoptive mother:

16 of the 55 Members of the Legislative Assembly attended the rally, including nine of the governing Conservatives and 7 Liberals.

Roses - to commemorate about 1000 New Brunswick babies that die in abortions every year.

Prayer circle at the Mother and Child Welcome House - just across the fence from the abortion facility.

Check out Life Site News for a detailed report.
This year's March for Life started with a Mass.
The rally at the Legislature - with about 450 people present. "The crowd was bigger, more youthful and more upbeat than ever"
The theme of the 2012 NB March for Life was, "Pro-Woman, Pro-Child, Pro-Life"
Speaker Elisha Lakin with adoptive mother:
16 of the 55 Members of the Legislative Assembly attended the rally, including nine of the governing Conservatives and 7 Liberals.
Roses - to commemorate about 1000 New Brunswick babies that die in abortions every year.
Prayer circle at the Mother and Child Welcome House - just across the fence from the abortion facility.

Check out Life Site News for a detailed report.
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
Sussex Right to Life Fundraiser Videos
Two videos from the Sussex Right to Life "salmon dinner" fundraiser:
Co-president's remarks.
Kelly Peters, co-president of the Sussex Area Right to Life presents an overview of the current situation and what could be done to promote the culture of life:
How do we overcome these societal evils?
How should we respond when evil destroys the helpless? Rev. Dr. S. Neville Gosman discusses that in his speech:
Co-president's remarks.
Kelly Peters, co-president of the Sussex Area Right to Life presents an overview of the current situation and what could be done to promote the culture of life:
How do we overcome these societal evils?
How should we respond when evil destroys the helpless? Rev. Dr. S. Neville Gosman discusses that in his speech:
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