Come And Learn about the Dangers of Euthanasia being proposed in our country!

Alex will be speaking in Halifax on Nov 27 to the doctors and medical professionals on the topic of caring versus killing and on Nov 28 to the general public on the topics of euthanasia, assisted suicide and the new eugenics.

It is particularly important that Alex will be speaking with just the health care professionals in one session.
We should ALL be informed on this topic and Alex's visit with us will give us an opportunity to do that.
The Friday evening talk on Nov 27 is at 7 pm, this is for medical personnel only.
The Sat talk is Nov 28 at 2 pm. This is for the general public.
Both talks will be at St. Thomas Aquinas Church Hall next to St. Thomas Aquinas Church 1725 Oxford St., Halifax, NS
(Forwarded by e-mail)